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Barrier Repair

Maintaining a healthy skin barrier is essential for overall skin health. Ensuring the integrity of the skin barrier helps promote a resilient, smooth, and healthy complexion.

The skin barrier, also known as the moisture barrier or lipid barrier, refers to the outermost layer of the skin, specifically the stratum corneum. It plays a critical role in maintaining skin health and protecting the body from external factors.

The skin barrier acts as a shield against environmental factors such as pollutants, allergens, microbes, and UV radiation. It prevents these external substances from penetrating into deeper layers of the skin. It regulates the passage of substances in and out of the skin, ensuring that essential nutrients are retained while harmful substances are kept out.

Several factors can compromise the integrity of the skin barrier, leading to issues such as dryness, sensitivity, inflammation, and increased susceptibility to infections such as:
  • Environmental Factors: Harsh weather conditions (cold, wind, dry air), pollution, and UV radiation can weaken the skin barrier.
  • Skincare Practices: Over-exfoliation, using harsh cleansers, and not moisturizing adequately can strip away lipids and disrupt the skin barrier.
  • Genetics: Some individuals may have naturally weaker skin barriers due to genetic predispositions.
  • Medical Conditions: Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis can impair the function of the skin barrier.

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